Friday, September 28, 2007
Hey people! I feel as if this is becoming my personal blog. grrrrrrrrrrrr.
Anyways, how's everyone doing? why nobody answer my question one...=(
The weather over here is kinda weird...sometimes its super hot and sunny like singapore, and the next moment, the strong wind comes and the rain starts to fall..just like these few days!! Super sunny and clothes get dried in 3 hrs, and now it starts to rain again =( Sadded....
Hmm..i just looked at my timetable of events just now. Its the third week of school now. I just realise after next week's one week holiday (cos china's national day), time is gonna pass fast cos we have an outing every 2 weeks. Like on the 5th week we'll be going shanghai, 7th week mid sem exams, 9th week suzhou, 11week xin nong cun (new farms?), 13th week shaoxing, 16th week END OF SCHOOL. woots. 17th week final exams, 18th week going beijing, 19th week HOME SWEET HOME. by then i'll be in jurong though. hehe. can't wait!!!
Anyway, in the mean time, please tell me whatever u all need me to buy (ok exception of the dbsk and super junior pictorials...yeah yeah i will gettit..its even sold in my school mini bookshop~but u all really like super junior meh?? (insert unbelievable look)). Oh i see andy lau everywhere cos he dai yan some specs thing...hmm
Oh yeah, lastly, i have a new cheena blog..cos i can't get into wretch. Dunno if i asking my fren to help me post my cheena blog articles into wretch or not.she has my password though, cos i dun want to go home to realise wretch deleted my account cos i nv sign in .
My new cheena blog :!SrUVbS.XHhKUANWmBcOk93DgSP4-
Uh...the behind rubbish words can actually change to a shorter word or something, but i purposely dont wanna change it so unwanted people wont be able to find my blog. wahhahaha. but i think now i post here maybe kaypoh passerbys might see. rah. oh wells.
PS happy belated mooncake festival! Here the mooncakes got super loads of flavours..i got free mooncake...its pineapple flavour..tot it will taste like the pineapple cakes, but it was seriously horrible. our teacher said here mooncakes also have fillings that is vegetable and meat. like yucks...half salty half sweet? =_=
ok la. end here. will drop by again ^____^
7:06 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Hey all!! Its me!! ALL THE WAY FROM CHINA........!!
Anyway life kinda sucks here, cos the food is either oily or salty or oily N SALTY. hiak. But cheap lah...i can go restaurant and eat and spend only SGD 2 bucks or less. cool hor. And jojo's fav bubbletea costs RMB 3 bucks here!! Equivilent to SGD60 cents lor. hehehehehe.
Err...i can't blog at xanga cos its a bit sot sot lah. heh. And wretch i cant login, i can only surf, so i wont be able to update there either unless i get my fren to post my blog articles for me...still deciding lah.
The thing is i have a chinese yahoo tw blog lah, which i rarely use, but since i can log into the tw yahoo blog, so i might blog chinese again?? But i so miss typing in english T____T
No net at my hostel at the moment cos ours is new hostel, they need time to fix the net up, and now the prob is the china telcom side keep delaying the opening of the internet thing for us =( So sad............='( Now i go library to use lor...costs SGD 20 cents for an hour...ok la super cheap =P Either that or go to this activity room we have and use the net there with our laptop, but only 2 pple can use at a time. so kinda hard for me to grab a place there........
Anyway, the good thing is, they have plenty of pirated DVDs.......which is like super cheap...and can be played on computer and DVD player. I bought huan huan ai for SGD $2. HEHE. i finish watching liao. hahahaha. xiao mei really cannot sing. horrible.
Oh there was tai feng in zhejiang, but we not affected lah..just keeps raining and the wind keeps howling...the wind is more kong bu than the rain lor. eeks.
ok end of story. Think might update more often here. you guys too k! I feel so out dunno whats happening in singapore =(
1:10 PM
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
eeelllo everyone!! HEHE... soohuay and her muaythai...
Mich... u gg off soon le, muz take care k? gg for a lonng lonnng time...
by the time u come back hope we all have not changed much, even if we have,
hope its in a good way... By the way? wad is ur blog? the wretch one? and wad is serene's?
8:46 PM
Alright people. When was the last time we blogged here? HUH?!?!
Ok. Anyway i realised that this blog we nv change the stupid username to a gmail account. So i've changed it already..and accidentally use my own email add =__= Anyway, i transfered the blog over to so that would be our username. Our previous password was too weak so i changed it to a longer password (which passed off as "fair" wth), which i smsed u all the password already k. If you dint get my sms, pls get the password from the rest if you need it.
Now. lemme blog something about soo huay wanting to go and be the receptionist of that what muay thai association? Ahh nvm. Lemme show you our msn conversation. LAME LA SHE.


eh i realise this is super messy. sorry ya. lazy to edit lah. wahahahaa.
3:38 PM