Tuesday, September 27, 2005

forget about the Corpse Bride mannx.
Watch Andy first!!!!! muahaha.. besides
ning is not in spore now so we can push
that aside 1st.. besides... the andy show
is better too......heeeeeeeeee.............
okay.. so anyone wanna watch???
Tong Meng Qi Yuan... the one where
andy grows from little boyboy to super
old ah gong.......
this one also no need wait for ning die
cos i bet she in HK , lemme say again,
HONG KONG, can watch, in what language
somemore??? haiz. CANTO. CANTO lei.
(qi si wo le~)
okay, so fel wants to watch it and so i also
cannot wait long long so we have decided on
this sun. IF the timing is suitable, we will head
down to any cinema and watch.
1stly, the show must be after 1pm, and must end
by 5pm. Cos fel gotta go home. SO... if we lucky
lucky manage to find a timing soooooo good right
in the middle of 1 to 5 and can end by 5pm, we go!
so far, the people who can go is of course mrs tony
leung, alex fong's wife and nexa wants to come as well
cos she long time never watch show with us.
so i will check it out and if it is okay, i will leave msg here.
those who want to come pls leave ur name here and say
u wanna come... okay??????????
11:47 PM
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Anyone interested in watching the above movie?? Its out on 30th september (if I'm not wrong). Its a cartoon lah. So want then we all go together lor. And those that one gotta say when their promos end so we can start planning in advance.
PS: ningdie you dao me...gei wo ji zhu *cackles eerie-ly*
Energy's concert dvd coming out in early oct~~~ yessssssssssss
12:50 AM
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Ha. Actually I'm at Toa payoh library now lah...stupid laptop not back yet :( Coz they haven't got the parts to repair my electrocuted laptop. So I say, never switch on your laptop when it's raining! And I may have to go Acer and collect it back myself...what the lah...when I buy that time they say spoil they will go your hse and get from you to repair and then send it back to your house...now is they go your house to take but you ownself collect after they repair. AND THEY TAKING SO LONG!!
Bored to death.
Anyway, Jo's entry looks long and I have like only 20 mins left so I shall read it when I get my laptop back k.
2:10 PM
Sunday, September 18, 2005
i totally agree with what jo said.....fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha~~
1:47 AM
Saturday, September 17, 2005
okay...after that hair raising and overly high entry,
i shall now leng jing xia lai and talk very calmly about my
experience with hok yau sok sok last night...
omg.. it was such a wonderful night okay.... left me feeling
so reincarnated~~~~hahaha... it was so damn good okay!!
i tell you only hok yau can give u this kind of goooooooooood
feeling manns....he is damn good lor!!!! OMG.. he just leaves me
melting and feeling weak and breathless..wah....... heavenly~~
he is just so cute okay~~~~ i cant stand it anymore!!I WANT
(what have u guys been thinking???)
the moment the curtains were raised, then hok yau was sitting
so near us k!!! right on the right of the stage, on the steps ,
sitting there with a little girl~~~~ so sweet~~~~~~~~~~~~~
then.. then... theN...............thEN....... tHEN...... THEN>>>>>>
THEN>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
.............................I FELT AN IMMENSE AMOUNT OF POWER
OF HAPPINESS.......PURE JOY...... AND HEAVEN~~~~~~~~~~
Then the entire stadium was filled and vibrating with his rich and
heavy, soul-lifting baritone ~~~~~~~~like air filling up the entire
four sides of the building~~~~~~~~~~~then he danced, moved his
nimble feet and displayed such neat and relaxed movements , then
his face was bursting with happiness and joy and i could really see
his passion all emanating from his whole person~~~~~~ like light
coming out from his whole person, wah...... realli like some deity~~
1)- blind
2)-unfeeling or
3)-totally cold blooded and cannot feel the emotion of happiness
omg!! i tell u he can realli realli dance so well lor!! its not that kind of
practised dance lor.. like step by step and all... its realli, like fa chu
from his nei xin... that kind of joy and happiness , realli he was like
super happy lor... he was realli not there to put up a show but realli
to enjoy himself thoroughly.............. i realli realli admire and love
him mannx... for his passion for what he does, his passion for his
craft...omg..... you can realli just feel it lor...
then he realli like holds ur hand and brings u into this whole new world
,then its like realli sharing his music with u lor.... even though its not
cantonese but still... can realli feel his sincerity and with his sincerity,
u can just overlook all things and just silently silently enjoy that
immense joy and wonder within u........... omg... feel like fainting......
i always say i will si er wu han after i come back from seeing some
ming xing... but this time i realli realli realli si er wu han... realli!!!!
the happpiness is realli realli very different from shaking someones
hand, standing there to take a photo of a star who is willing to give u
a personal photo, being kissed onthe hand and so on... its just very
very very absoliutley different lor!! its like, so open, so public,
like everyone in the stadium also went through it with u... but...
at the same time its so private, so personal... so like, one to one...
like its just u and this entire world of snow wolf lake, the entire
story and just u alone........ all themusic,the settings and all... realli
seaps u in, just u and it alone, and u just wish time will always just
freeze there... then u never want to leave that world of snow wolf
lake... like , its whole legend just so captivating and u just wanna
sit there and watch the lives of the characters forever and ever and ever...
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh................... feeling like damn relieved
and super overwhelmed by the whole thing now... feeling psycho
too cos i have no idea bout what i just typed here too... omg....
i think u all think i'm like mad or something... haiz... but realli!!
this feeling is so good...
snow wolf lake is like, if u dun watch it u will realli be like,missing
out on a very special feeling inyour life... its like a trip u go for
in another world and u will never ever regret it...if i have the chance
to go for it again, i will just be so so, shocked lor... its like,wah...
its like a gift from heaven if i can go for it again mannxx....
i'm willing to eat bread , butter and water for 1 more year if
there is cantonese snow wolf lake mannx.... with kit chan in it...
after hearing his voice mannx.. i'm realli realli totally happy lor...
realli envy him for being blessed with such a good voice, but im
also very thankful and grateful cos in my life i've this fu qi and
bliss to be able to get to know him as a fan , to be able to hear
a voice that everyone can listen to, but a song that only some can
hear.... what am i talking about?? haha...
xu hui xin is also very good... she act as xiao xue , so sweet and
very suitable too... her voice is also quite good... chen song ling
even better... she realli sing until very gan dong, she's the one
who realli make me very gan dong when i was watching the musical..
her voice is very touching and u can realli feel she's like here to tell
u the story and not to perform... then the ending we cheered super
loud and clapped super loud for her cos i feel she realli realli deserve
it... she's realli , she realli put her whole heart and soul into this
musical... can realli tell... then the last part when hok yau came out
to thank, wah.. we gave him a standing ovation... he's really the
essence of snow wolf lake... withouht hok yau, snow wolf lake just
wont have that snow wolf lake feel... and dick lee also lor...if
there was no dick lee, snow wolf lake wouldnt even exist manns...
i cant believe i went to watch the musical last night manns..
whole of last year since ning lent me the soundtrack, then i burn
into cd and been listening to it for so long, from that time o level
till now, sept 2005.. almost a yeat already... everytime i hear th cd
then i imagined the musical, what it will be like, then never expeceted
that the real thing is almost just like the own world i had envisioned
in my mind... then hear the tunes that has been here since 1997...
its been so long le, but the feeling is still here... the feeling that i imagined,
its exactly the feeling that i've been looking for... haiz.... i realli realli love
it so much....
so much to say... but just dunno what to...lemme think, ah yes...
the male baddie and greedy mother were both very adorable too...
although they are baddies but they are so very jing dian ren wu and
so i realli need them in the musical cos although they are bad, they are
also very likable... the china guy lor, sing so loud.. keep shouting into
the mike...haiz... the whole night no one tiao his mike softer... that was
one technical glitch la... but never mind.. at least leave me with a very
deep impression... even the supporting dancers and characters were all
very good too.. realli deserve round of applause.. they realli have to put
in alot of heart and mind into dancing, feeling for the entire story and
all of them have to noe their part in the musical, the place where they have
to stand, the moves, the tempo of the whole musical also, all of them realli
managed to bring it out.. realli very good, realli have yi shu xi bao in them..
realli born to do this kind of theatre work.. realli very li hai...
every role is important and every role is not easy, realli brought out the
feel i wanted,the feel i imagined... realli want to thank them personaly
manns.. for making snow wolf lake so true.. so almost like the 1997 one
although i never watch before, but from what i imagined, i believe they
realli brought out the flavour of snow wolf lake...
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.............. i love snow wolf lake and 16 sept 2005 is one
of the happiest nights in my life... a very special night that i will forvever
keep in my memory.... a special place in my heart will forver be reserved
for xue lang hu.... my favourite musical before after and always....
~i dun think i need to say who i am ya?~heee...
3:39 PM
hey hey hey!!!
si er wu han.
~the happiest girl on earth~
3:33 PM
Friday, September 16, 2005
wowowowowowwoowwowowwowowowowowowowow~~~~guess wad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's right!!!!!! me and jo are gonna watch snow wolf lake the fasinating and fantasitc musical tonight!! well....i can say that it will be good!!!! dun need watch also know lah!! hahahahaaa...dunno y 1am plus liao still so high.....must be my dumb body clock.....normally during school days this is the time i start real work...hahahaha...
collecting the shirt later in the day....hmmmm....wonder if it will turns out alright....lol....and i cannot believe it!!!! i actually agreed mother in law and i gonna go lib and see my best fren...as in his works lah....wa lao.....so uninteresting lor....wads there to see manz....lol......not say i very interesting with my best fren....haiz....why did i agree......why........why!!!!!!!!?????????? i am so hou hui now....i rather stay at home and sleep lah......lol~~~
anyway, i am here to prove that this place is so quiet without me^^ oh....i am sooooooooo important!!! hahahahaha.....my internet got problem these few days....dunno y....today my lovely bro fixed it for me^^
by: youknowwho~~
(hint: my husband's surname is domoto)
1:14 AM
Saturday, September 10, 2005
xie men ah!! tai xie men le!! haha. i just tag at the board about the gui like me right. then after that i came to blogger and log in la. while waiting for it to log in, guess what? my rubbish bin dropped la. like it felt by itself. then got no wind somemore. oh no. i think it really likes me. *shudders*
okay. let's try and forget that huh. the outing that day's fun!! hee. herbie herbie herbie. haha. the most vivid memory i have of the movie is ahma screaming and cheering during the show. haha. ahma, relax a bit la. old liao, later heart attack ah. hee.
oh. photo album. good good good. take more pretty pictures of me k. hee. i bet la. i mean, wo mei mao chu zong. haha. okay okay. stop puking and rolling your eyes. i get the idea.
and what happened to my fave green? how come it's only red and blue eh. i bu shuang ni la. haha. and yes yes yes, eye 10. bo lin!! haha. cutie pie. just like my JJ. oh. i mean, our JJ. hee. JJ is so cute!! leehom too!! haha. of cos, david also. and to be fair to you guys, nuinai also. kunda also. koichi also. who else ah? let me think. ohh. tony also. andy also. eh. jay? maybe. haha. you can add in more if you want. cos my memory is really bad. haha.
i think i really crapp a lot. haha. okay okay. i shall end here before i see a rotten egg flying into my face. tata.
ps. i bet you people know who i am right. if you don't, you are blur. hee. not refering to you soohuay! :D
8:25 PM
photo album! yes! we should take more photos! (((:
2:51 PM
Haha...bo liao so I did some editings to the blog. So now you noe why some pple got my sms asking wad was their favourite colour!
Coz Jo and Fel haven't replied me so I just anyhow put a colour lah...actually I guessed wad colour they like de = = Ok fine...I'm bad at guessing k, but anyway...
If you pple wanna change the words/colour, just tell me k! Haha! And I dunno why serene's border is blue...and neither do I know why we have purple borders ard the picture...haha! I din add it leh! Ghost ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Either ghost likes serene or it doesn't like her. Ha. U decipher yourself.
Eh dun you pple think blue and red is so =X Reminds me of Eye 10 that chen bo ling and his sister wear the dead pple's funeral clothes the colour...exactly the same colour lor! Can u pple tell me wad colour to change or you all change yourself lah =X
2:32 PM
Ya..I think this blog forever used to plan on outings. Lol. When's our next outing ah? Let's go K!! Haha...ok lah, we can watch march of the penguins^^ I saw some pictures of cute penguins posted by someone in her blog.
Anyway, we should remember to take more pictures lah...everytime make me bring camera for nothing! Then we can have a cheenaclub photo album online mah...like that so much easier to pass the pictures to pple that dun haf them. Good suggestion right~~~ And mayb we should have our own cheenaclub email too = =
Me ish Michelle!!!
12:35 AM
wahhhhh! why so many ppl blog before me liao!!!!!!!! unfair so fast!! anyway i love you guys too!!so much fun lalalallla~~ herbie is so cuteeeee (psst. thank goodness we never watch willy wonka hahaha!) ehh why not our next outing watch willy wonka VCD yays!!!!! go slumber partyyyyy.movie marathon!!! im getting HIGHHHH.yayyyyys.hahaaa. aiyo zao zhi dao i go k boxing with you all.GOT SHUAI GE arh.so wasted!): hehehe, share a joke with u all. braddell in chinese is call wat?? brad pitt in chinese is call wat?? very similar hor!!!! bu lai de~~~laalallaa hahaa. wheee.im so high liao. lalalalla.
12:34 AM
well...dun ask me why this title...cos i cannot thing of any and it just pop up from my mind....lol....
although i did not get to watch my willy wonka....i had fun on thursday~~ i got one GOOD suggestion......let's meet again!!!!!!! lol~~
ok...nothing to say liao...cos just blogged at my own blog....then say finish liao...lol...
P.S. my best fren chen long is angry with me...lol!!
12:14 AM
Friday, September 09, 2005
I love!! Yesterday was really wonderful!! I havent been feeling so relaxed and unguarded for such a loonngggg time!! I really missed you girls and those days in smss!! when we would have a number of things in common, get insane, scream our throats sore, laugh till their eardrums burst!
We were real loud and noisy yesterday! everywhere we go, we would get stares from people? cause we really made up a nice neat market there!
Herbie really made my day like how you snoocums did too!! herbie's so adorable! haha!
such a pity that you guys didn't come for k box with us! could have seen the darling penguin's ears turn red and feel warm!!!! and she actually pointed out a cute guy which apparently we didnt manage to catch. haha!
It was really a wonderous gathering yesterday!!! just those noises we made alone was a blast!!
I loveee you!!! -jumps-
fill up 'resume' with me? what resume?
I'm not gonna do anything CHEAP!
and pengy darling, you can singggg...
it's not good to end up having low self esteem..
it will lead to 'zhi bi zhen'
then you'll end up like your hubby... not good. hahah!
8:04 PM
anyway,i'm here to blog!! haha.. cos if not this blog's
going to rot!!! so me not going to lang fei my dearest
friend mich's hard work!! here i am to blog all my rubbish!
muahahahahahaha......also becos only u all can tahan my
rubbish thats why i'm here to blog~~
anyway, anybody wanna go see Ning die's best friend??
haha... i think the answer is no la... but i bo liao also shun
bian ask.. anyway, u all dunno ar... ning's best friend comin
to spore on sunday... that is, jackie chan! hahaha... he gg to
national library to promote movie and asian cinema, who
wanna go library and study that day?? and shun bian see
our asia's action superstar??? haha... i think no one ba, but i
just here to tell u all , cos i need to 'fa xie' chu lai ma!haha!!
yay!! jackie chan comin.. and i free to go see.. yay yay yay!!
1:51 PM
hey guys!!
yay!! had such a fun day yesterday with you all!!
So nan de that all of us can meet up and go watch movie
together...How come we didn't go watch Charlie & Choc huh?
Anyway,Herbie was nice too!! cute little car with cutey eyes...
awwwww..... hehe... but who say nicer than intial d ar?!
*polishes knife*
ouch my arm hurts now.. drift too much yesterday ar...
eh one day we must go drifting together wor...
anyway, k box was realli fun~~ haha... michelle u are so right,
better start filling up our 'resume' with fel, cos next time can 'use'
her to earn money~hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....sing until
so nice...haiz... wad to do.. she sing the yida song, i think the song
yida should give her sing instead la...yida sing until so dead,not like
she sing... haiz... how come i cannot sing as well as her ar.. make
my self esteem so so so low... haiz....
anyway.... mich, i say i dun need present is of course fake one la, but
i na li hao yi shi shuo ne?? muahahaha!!!
1:42 PM
Monday, September 05, 2005
okay! thursday is great... this blog is great too lor..see.. plan outing and all also so fang bian!wee!
everything is okay for me! EXCEPT studying in the library. NO WAY.
haha.. shopping.. i think better not... ning hates shopping~~haha!
11:18 PM
Ok peeps...FINALLY we all can make it on Thurdsay including Soohuay! Ningdie msged her liao and she say can. So what are we going to do on that day?
1) Watch Willy wonka
2) K box
3) Go library study (haha...I dun mind XD)
4) Just have lunch and chit chat there (for 4 hours?!?!)
5) Go to all the shopping centres in singapore until we find a present that Jo likes
Ok I can't think of anymore ideas. Any other ideas or wadsoever just tag k.
9:02 PM
haha. that's rather lame. haha. sorry la.
after some thinking and reading, i have concluded that thurs is the best day. any objections? cos grace and fel ends at 11.30 latest that day and the rest of us are free. yups yups. except for soohuay la. haven't see her post yet. can someone go and cui her a bit? it's already monday!! one precious day is gone. yups yups.
okay people. reply asap!! for, we are going to rock the world!! haha. that's like crapp. okay.
peace out.
4:57 PM
Sunday, September 04, 2005
im free everyday except..*drumrolls*
monday: econs lecture 11.30 - 1.30pm
chem remedial 2-4pm
tues: econs lecture 11.30-1.30pm
chem tutorial 2-3.30pm
thurs: econs tutorial 8.30-11am
church youth committee meeting 7.30-10.30pm
hees basically other days will be free for gg out and MUGGING.
love ya guys.mwaahh.
10:39 PM
Basically... I'm free everyday...
Except for the following..
Wednesday - maths conference dry run till dunno what time and i have econs tuition in the evening.. so don't touch me on wednesday.. ((:
Thursday - maths lesson from 10am to 11am.
Friday - I've got maths conference help out till 2pm. or make it 3pm in case they drag..
Sunday - maths tuition from 11am to 1pm.
The rest of the days or time, feel free to BOOK me!! (((((:
8:01 PM
Hey peeps....you pple wanna meet up during sept hols right! HAHA! Who objects??
Ok so you pple better leave the timings you are free so we can decide on a date as soon as possble!
I'm free everyday lah...so any day is OK for me XD
But most prob I guess is frm Tuesday ownwards ba...since Mon some pple gotta go school!
And decide on where to go wad to do also!!! I suggest we go some shopping centre so we can ask Jo if she sees anything she likes and we'll get it for her as her prezzie (as cited in Oh, 2005) Sorry I am citation mad. LOl. That is by serene btw...in case you guys dunno how to read = =+
Eh Jo arh...wad prezzie you want ah?
Anyway, yah...or else we can go K box again after that or something...dunno lah. You pple tag/post your views/comments. Eh don't say anything hor! I make sure I wack your head when I see you next time if you do that!
And the tagboard is finally up!!! I know the links colour is kinda super pink so anyone wanna change to wad colour just change yourself lah...or else if you dunno just post a comment and I'll change it k.
The above is by Michelleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
1:55 PM
hey!! i love this place!! my little safe secret haven with my bestest best friends!
yay! it's the holidays!! time for my well-deserved rest!! yayyayyippeeyippeewoo!
i love the password btw... so~~~ lame!! and so easy to rmb!! haha!!
erm... here's my schedule!! i'm so looking forward with gg out with u all again!
the good ol' cheeena gang! whoopie!! i wanna go k box leh~~~ and movie.. and eat~~
must have bubble tea~ya mich??
Mon: most likely not free in the late morning and early afternoon.. bout 3 plus after then can.
Tue: only 9 to 11 i busy..
Wed: 11.30 to 12.30 i have audio practical test... then after that i'm free!!
all other days i free liao!!!
1:05 PM
Saturday, September 03, 2005
yeah baby!! it's me!! who's me eh? me la!! haha. i bet you guys can tell who is me right. yups yups. is willy wonka still showin? i'm not sure eh. anyway, i rather free la. mon,tues,wed got lessons till noon. other than that, nothing else's confirmed yet so can say i'm free la. yups yups. so, com'on people. make a decision soon. it's monday soon. then the week will be over. and who knows when's the next time we gonna meet up man. k la. update yeah. loev you peeps. till we blog again, tCare. mwahhs.
9:52 PM
OUTINGS!!! I never abhore them!!!
long hair already!!!
This place is WHOoHoO!!
*sweeps me of my feet*
1:24 PM
sorry wor...forgot to type name....
the lovely owner of "outing" is mrs domoto koichi~~
1:36 AM
im still on for willy WONKA!!!!
i havent watch!!
but i got promos coming le. sob. need to study.
and i need go back school almost every day. sobs.
yep yep i love this place!!
WAN SUI!!!!!!!!
1:34 AM
next week holiday liao~~~
so nan de our holidays clash!!!
so wad must we do?! (reply: meet up!!!!!!!!)
yesh~~~~~~~ meet up!!
although i still rushing for my very last project...
my holiday mood is here manz~~~
anyway, i wanna watch willy wonka leh....still showing or not ah?
P.S.how come nv put my lover's pic at the two sidess ah?
P.P.S. i like this place leh^^
1:30 AM
Friday, September 02, 2005
Michelleeeeee here.
Finally this blog created eh. Anyway, you pple can go add your own username yourself (those who haf blogspot) if not then just post via cheenaclub but state who you are.
Username: Cheenaclub
Password: -ask me on msn or i tell you on msn-
Ok...thats bout it. This is basically testing testing only lah. Eh where should put tagboard ah?
3:35 PM